Explicit Consent Text
Explicit consent; explicit consent on a particular subject, based on information and expressed with free will, and this explicit consent text; It contains information on certain topics listed below, and we would like to remind you that you are free to approve or disapprove of this text.
You have read in the "Clarification Text" which personal data we process, based on legal reasons arising from the law and without your express consent, within the scope of Articles 5 and 6 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698.
As having the title of data controller under the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698; We request your explicit consent regarding the following issues within the scope of processing your personal data, except for the cases which are exempted under the Personal Data Protection legislation (6698/ Art. 5-6) due to your being our patient.
Processing and keeping our company information, contact information and identity information, transferring them to real persons and private law legal entities for the purposes of conducting marketing processes of products / services, conducting communication activities, sending promotional SMS and calling them by phone, Protection of my personal data and sensitive personal data by you I agree to consent to it of my own free will.